Contact Us

Horisont is a meeting place where you can be inspired by varied art, enjoy good meals, make new contacts and direct your gaze towards the sea. Use the contact form or contact one of us directly. We look forward to talking with you!

Contact us

If you wish to send a general inquiry, you can use the form below or get in touch by e-mail or telephone 700 80 700.

    Contact persons

    Portrettfoto av Rita Christina Sævik

    Rita Christina Sævik

    Owner and CEO of Ervik & Sævik
    Portrettfoto av Espen Ervik

    Espen Ervik

    Owner and technical manager
    Portrettfoto av Birgitte Grongstad Kvalsvik

    Birgitte Grongstad Kvalsvik

    COO of Ervik & Sævik

    Monica Nilsen

    Administrative koordinator

    Kristin Henriksen

    Finance Employee